Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weekend Weathered


For some reason, I can't shake this achy shakes-n-sniffles bug I've caugght and eees killin meh. Nyquil cocktails and 30Rock marathons simply aren't cuttin it anyMO. So, if anyone knows any voodoo, make-ya-feel-peachy recipes I'm all ears cuz im readaay to be healthaay.

Since I have so much time on my hands right now, I've been Netflix-a-wanderin and found some films that really resonate. Among the most recent was a SXSW acclaimed foreign indie flick called Weekend.

It's a commentary on the oppression of gay behavior in London, and what sex, love, and freedom within a relationship all kinda mean. Melancholia to the MAX but, to be fair, it's set in London and they've really got the market cornered on drizzly dreariness. Great.GREAT. soundtrack. Makes you feel like you're moping around town with ya mates.


Soundtrack Delish-----


Anyway, offff to delve into more netTHIS and netTHAT. Also, gonna drag myself to class at some point. womppppppp-Happy Wednesday scalawagssss.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Gobble Gone, Cringle-A-Comin

Gobble gobble.

Turkey day has come and gone and after taking a minor hiatus from blog-noggin to nurse myself into a cranberry sauce and green bean casserole food coma, I'm BaCk monkeyzzz. 

Feelin refreshed after a weeklong festivus characterized by every type of family competition us bloodthirsty Moyers could muster. Ladderball, Settlers of Catan, Mario Party, and Dodgeball to name a feww (Grandma even tried to be a dodgeball thrower but lezz be honest, that cannon aint what it used to be and you have 7 toes to stand on)

Now that we're nearing December, Turkey dreamin fades and Christmas spirit is slowly creeping it's way on Athenians everywhere. Downtown Ath trees seem to have a lil extra somethin somethin in their branches (elves did it!) and Christmas songs are starting to take over the airwavessss.

Melty Babez
While everyone can feel the creepin Cris Cringle vibes, the lady with the most Christmas cheer remains my stable mate Allie K Baby. Upon her return, she decked our STALLS with mammoth inflatable snowglobes fa la la la la la la la. Also, she has imposed Christmas rule on the house and if you don't wear one of the many assorted Christmas hats while in tha stable, you gon get some coal shawwwwtyyy. That lil snowflake gurl cannot be stopped and she miiiight be turning this Scrooge to the red&green side.

Also, it's crunch tymee school-wise so people are gettin StResSeedddd. Only two weeks though and we can drink spiked eggnog to our Christmas-luvvin hearts content :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

REPTARdation, Colombiana, and the Milledge Underbelly

One of the best weekends of my entire dayummm life, people.


RePtArdation. Reptar (the band, duh.) played an exuberant  joyous set and me, Corinne, and all the steed baby roomies went to cheer em on! It's been really great to see Reptar evolve from our little Athens baby band to the electronic, bounce-around successful group they are now (and growin biggah!)  Also, after the show (1AMish) those gangly Reptarians just started playing in the pit as people were leaving. We just haddta staaay. After, Corinne tried to blow on a trumpet (a real one) and fail fail FAILED. Alls well though because the Reptar man was waay cool about it. MARRY ME REPTAR.

STOP------Get Viddy wit it.

After, me and da roomies went to PostParty on our stable grounds. Shoutout to Jandro Mono for coming through with glowsticks, sparklers, blacklights and a strobe. #partyonadime. Sparklers were pranced around with on the roof, naturally, and my room turned into a Rave Fantasy (#throwback)


The best part of this day was not in the means, but the end. Finished it off playing a Colombian version of poker with some awesome older, sassy Colombianas. Struggling to speak Spanish but at least I entertained them. Gotta love those LaTinAs. SO SPICY.


Still happening--but so far has been smashing! Went to the Ugarden and picked broccolis/smashed some slimy gourds. I also ate a dirty, just plucked carrot! (to the right) Afterwards, tagged along with some NEIGHbors to a sketchy murder kitchen that prepares food for lower income families and helped out! Although we didn't realize that the oven wasn't turned on for a long while and, later, that the collard greens got burned in the oven, it was still refreshing to shoot da shit with my garden gnomes. #bakinginVAIN.

After the collard green debacle, we decided to sample the food choices of the underbelly of Milledge Avenue a.k.a. Pepino's Pizzeria. Sassy waitresses, blinding neon strip club lighting, and loads of fake hanging grape decor greeted us. My rating you ask?

PRO: Pesto Pizza--unless you're allergic *wink*--then go with anything banana peppers. OMNOM.


And that's a weekenddddd wrap!


I am walking da runway in an Athens Vintage Takeover Show this THURSDAY at 7PM at the 40WATT. There will be great local Athens food (The National and friends) , beautiful people, and trendy threads. I want to see all your monkey faces there so try to come puhhlleasseee. Theme is Mod and its $12 dolla (and you get fed) Yayay---


Friday, November 9, 2012

Nuci's S P A C E

Got invited to Nuci's Space (a venue/oasis for struggling local Athens musicians) last night by some of my Music Bizness frandds (C.CarusO) to see some local musica. Also, there was a FREE candy table and a raffle. you KNO i hiT DaT Upppp. (Won 3 chick-fil-a gift cards so booyeah, don't gotta spend my money at  Pray The Gay Away, Inc, I can just use deese here vouchers)

First up on the Nuci's setlist was Androcles and the Lion and they weren't too shabby. Reminiscent of Explosions in the Sky. Lotta instrumental crescendos.

Snapped a clip of their osculating performance. The sound quality may be a little offff but tis all I have!

Explosion in the Sky sound-alike. Sounded like two peas in a pod to me (If you want to watch any ONE video on this blog, this is that video. MASTERPIECE, I TELL YOU.)

TO FINISH THE NIGHT at Nuci's was Will Weber, a DJ of sorts. I don't know if it was the lack of a "pump up the jam"-minded audience or that he tended to rely on generally slower songs but he just wasn't doing it for me. Maybe at Bad Manor while I'm getting seared with lazerbeams in my eyeballs I would enjoy it. Context Context Context.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jour de ma vie

For I have done this unto myself, purged of my greatest triumph and folly; Jour de ma vie! A riled, wild muse in which I sowed and pruned elation and sorrow and whetted the Gemini blade of melancholy and happiness.

Now, the strings of my heart are as phlegmatic as they have ever been, an expectant calm. 
Lethargically, beneath my slender chest they bind, curl, twist and grope.
 Like the rolling of a train, they beckon a crescendo, crying out for it in whispering dialects.

Wander, C'est la jour de ma vie.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

QURIOUSity killed da kitty.

Yesterday I went to muh first meeting as a part of WUOG's (The local radio stations 90.5) Local Music Committee. We sat round table style on some plushy pizza cushions and Will, the head radio honcho (he has a beard), handed out new local band CDs! Each person gets an Athens band, gives it a listen, and reports back. I got Qurious's new album, Void Vanishing, that comes out November 20th! It only works on the CD player in my car so I don't have toooooo much to report yet but I be keepin ya posted.

Sample 2 of the songs on and see for yerself.

aLsO. aLsO!

Saw my frannnd Andrea [OnDreA] at Wuog. She's a very big deal there a.k.a. she's in with the parking deck people--MOST EXCLUSIVE GROUP ON CAMPUS.

 I got to take home one of her oh-so-snazzy posters that she designed for Reptar's concert this weekend. Also, if you're not going to at least one day of Wuog Fest, all I gotsta say 2 yew is Whaaaaaa? and YouJokinBoi.

Get ticks here!!!!!


Speaking of new tizzuneeesss my gurl Azaelia is sounding lovely recently. Anddd a title in Espanol? 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Gourgy Fun/Mishaps

Yesterday me and a couple of the roomies (JBaby and Katebug) went to the UGA Community Garden to play in the dirt/acquire a boatload of zesty peppers...and it was an eco-chic, earth-love-you-long-time experience, per usual.

Although we were the only ones at the plot (the Sandy frost kept the regular GardenGnomes awaay), we still found a task to help the gardening initiative!               

                              GoUrD BaThIn/HaNgIn Ya'LL

Apparently, gourds are a trendy veggie treat (not to eat) this fall season! After they dry out, people make them into bird houses, instruments, etc. We steedbabies thought it was so coolio that we even caught the gourd FEVAH ourselves--but first we had to earn our gourds.

To do so, we started by bathing the green beauts in some bleach water. Gourds on Gourds on Gourds-Stacked. Then we attempted to hang em. NOT AN EASY TASK PPL. These heavy ass gourds don't fuck around. Gotta treat em gentle to get em all on the same rope. 
After we hung them and we stood back, admiring our gourd artistry, the head gardener rained on our parade and made us move our line :(. Needless to say some gourds got tangled (Gourd orgy= Gourgy!) and some toes got stepped on.

BUT! We shall try again on Sunday when we have more time and sunlight. And this time, no gourd shall be left behind.