Sunday, September 30, 2012

FooDStock Organic Noms

Went to Foodstock today! A fair on campus about sustainability, local farmer's market and having a healthy balance of bok choy and tofu nuggets in your life. Super informative (Did you know in the state of Georgia if you're on foodstamps (WIC) you can get twice their value at farmer's markets to promote healthy eating habits among lower income fams??) AwEsOme. Also, there was tons of great tunes, picnic style hangouts, and hipster beard/corduroy persons to watch. Not to shabbs.

Going over to Treybabe's to watch a horror film, yes as I recall it's a horror film tonight.

Also, my book DUNE is getting so gewd. On a big sci-fi literature kick right now. If you're unfamiliar here's the movie teaser! WhooHA

Also. Also. Also. Camping/Yoga/Gardening with me are still on the table. so cum hang with me. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pouty Parking Inc

Last night treybabe and I went to a wedding! First one I've been to since I was a wee lil lad/the ringbearer. Wine was a flowing, groomsmen were getting jigyy, and old silver fox uncles were getting handsy. Also, treys friend Diane puked/projected a crab cake on the dance floor prompting a beer explosion waterfall to shower close proximity guests. Was a sight worthy of youtubez

Gameday today! Sold 230 dollars worth of parking spaces at the house to Tennessee and Georgia fans alike.booyea make dat monies. Special shout out to kirste, Alyssa, Jessie and Kate steeds for offering bike parking and free handjobs as well. :)

Gonna eat at the national tonight with our earnings omnomnom hummus appetizies get in my steed belly.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Wantcha, I Wantcha.


...Is the Latin American Film Series at The Georgia Museum of Art at 7pm (sharp) and it's gonna be snazzy.

I'm taking a film class this semester and my Teachin Assistant, LOLA, lovezz that Spanish/Latin American film. I love it too, we got to talkin bout Almodovar, long story short--we AmIgOs yoo. LIT-RA-LY couldn't have been a more perfect match.

Sooo tonight she's involved with this series and they're going to be showing "Found Memories"

Errybody come, I'll pick yo ass up.

In other news, I'm thinking about taking a campin trip soon before it gets too too chilly. See some fall foliage, munch on SmOrEs, tell ghost stories, THE WORKS. My aunts got some tents, I'm gonna attempt to make some spiced cider and I want anyone and everyone to come (steeds, lanks, etc) So if you're reading this and you feel like roughin it some weekend soon with yours truly, call me, beep me.

I realize this post screams: "come play with me/desperation" but it's only cuz I WANNA DO COOL THINGS WITH COOL PEOPLE AND THAT MEANS YOUUU!

Also, shoutout to RubberSoul Yoga for this vid:
Fodder For Thought Boys n Gurls

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

King Of Coups Strikes Again! Eggs.Eggs.

Lasagna Lasagna Om-nom-nom-yah.

Last night met the fam at my aunt's house for some italianooo delicioso. 
Got to talking about muh new stable. One thing led to another, next thing I know Tom and my aunt are chattering about furniture deals and how to stretch those dolla dolla bills and 
BAM! I'm in a thrift store perusing lamps & assorted nick-nacks.

Among the booty harvested by king of the coups himself, are as followzzzzz:

Cactus Lamp! (with desert accoutrements)                                      Frenchie beer postah

                                                        "Getcho Cook On" Housewife
                                                             Encouragement  Plaque

ALSO: I wanna give a special shoutout to muh gurl A.Killer. She brought this egg gem into my life and it's like really yolky ya'll.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

FROstachio Bashio.

Kiki. SoSo. Oui Oui. Non Non.

Last TuEsDaY marked Picklekid and I's 1 year anniversary and to celebrate our year of Brooklyn fashion week trompin, BattleStar Galactica watchin, GAbar teapot dancin, and Yosemite waterfall picnicingg I got us tickets last weekend to ATLcitysolve, this scavenger hunt around Atlanta, cuz I knew he'd go bananas to puzzle solve our way around his favorite citaay. 

Even though we didn't place/win any medals twas still nice to have an excuse to wear a mustachio/fro and run around the big PEach. 


Happy 1 Year Mooshhh 

ALSOOoOooOOO, NEW LANA. Booyeah chunky monkey
------------ :)


Monday, September 24, 2012

Steedbabies in Muh Stable ETC

Getting back into the swing of blog life after a long hiatus! Whoopiidy do dah.

STOPPP. Up DaTe ErRyBoDy---

I am now living in a house with 7 stand up steed ladies on Oconee St fully loaded with tree swing, porch couches, and a HANGOUTable roof. Also, our neighborhood is chock full of hipster mustachio men and fro-rockin mamasitas so I always have people to play with!

Lowdown on the roomiemonkeys. Three things to note if you come to pay us a visit: 1. Under the Tuscan Sun or Gilmore Girls or Both are always playin on the tube. Even if no one is home, Rory and Lorelai will be. 2. Blizzards are currency. There's a DQ right down the road and there has even been talk of arranging a bulk blizzard pickup with Maria (blizzard chef) so our freezers and palates never run dry. 3. Anything and everything will be sung--from your favorite bagel flavor is to whose the queen of comedy (KrIsten) Nowww that you know the laws of the stable, come ovah errybody.

In other newssss, it's starting to get a bit nipply in our little nook & crannie neighborhood which makes porchsitting only fun if there's hot coco in yo mitts. And you know what nipply times mean: ASSORTED PUMPKIN TREATS have flooded all establishments, big and small. Ppl be gettin wild over pumpkin. I remain skeptical with my Reese's explosion blizzard in hand.(im eatin one right now haaaay)

More to follow now that I'm back in the swing :)