Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mary the Piano Wonder

About the time I moved in with Mary the painter/dog-lover/wine-guzzler at the beginning of the summer, I had a spontaneous desire to learn piano...and play some pop songs, obviously (Gaga, Marina & the Diamonds, and the like).

Lucky for me, Mary already had a keyboard located conveniently in my new room! She was also nice enough to let me use her piano books from when she was a kid. These weren't just any piano books, though. These books contained wrinkled margins full of the illegible scribbles of Toddler Mary.  After a bit of decoding, I figured out that Mary, from an early age, would not stand to have her self-esteem trampled on by some stuffy piano maestro. She was a star and C Major could suck it. Some of the highlights the Mary Piano Diary were: "F" marks changed to "A"s, "wrong" changed to "Way to Go!", and "Needs Improvement" changed to "Needs a talent agent!" To call that little Polish girl precocious would be the understatement of the year ha.

Alas, these kiddie books weren't doing it for me sooo I ordered some new ones. The one that I'm most excited for is...wait for it...Gaga sheet music 101! And even though I leave for Buenos Aires in two weeks (eep!) I'm going to try to learn all I can until then.

So sad I can't take Mary with me but maybe I can take a book or two and, when I'm missing Cross Creek Cafe (our local hangout), chuckle about the girl who dreamed of being a star against all odds.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's Been A Hot Second...

It's been a hot second since I blogged but lemme tell YOU something.

Update on my whereabouts!

I'm currently interning at three, an Ad and PR agency in Atlanta. I'm doing PR for them so that means pitches, press releases, and general, random scribbled blurbs--anything keeping me writing is a plus! I also went to an Atlanta Rollerderby "bout" recently to help out with a photobooth that Moe's, a three client, setup. The rollergirl who helped us set up? Rudy Huxtabrawl. What a clevah lass!

In other news, I just got gum surgery soooo I look a lot like this now:

and when I find foods that I can eat I feel a little like this:

I also moved to Buckhead while I intern! Mary is the roommates name. She paints (Grad from SCAD), she's cayute, and she's AVAILABLE.

REAL-TIME update!
Eating spaghetti at my desk. 

What I think it looks like:      What is actually happening:

Thinking I'll spare you an actual picture.

More to folloowww soon.
 hooootie whooooo