Monday, November 26, 2012

Gobble Gone, Cringle-A-Comin

Gobble gobble.

Turkey day has come and gone and after taking a minor hiatus from blog-noggin to nurse myself into a cranberry sauce and green bean casserole food coma, I'm BaCk monkeyzzz. 

Feelin refreshed after a weeklong festivus characterized by every type of family competition us bloodthirsty Moyers could muster. Ladderball, Settlers of Catan, Mario Party, and Dodgeball to name a feww (Grandma even tried to be a dodgeball thrower but lezz be honest, that cannon aint what it used to be and you have 7 toes to stand on)

Now that we're nearing December, Turkey dreamin fades and Christmas spirit is slowly creeping it's way on Athenians everywhere. Downtown Ath trees seem to have a lil extra somethin somethin in their branches (elves did it!) and Christmas songs are starting to take over the airwavessss.

Melty Babez
While everyone can feel the creepin Cris Cringle vibes, the lady with the most Christmas cheer remains my stable mate Allie K Baby. Upon her return, she decked our STALLS with mammoth inflatable snowglobes fa la la la la la la la. Also, she has imposed Christmas rule on the house and if you don't wear one of the many assorted Christmas hats while in tha stable, you gon get some coal shawwwwtyyy. That lil snowflake gurl cannot be stopped and she miiiight be turning this Scrooge to the red&green side.

Also, it's crunch tymee school-wise so people are gettin StResSeedddd. Only two weeks though and we can drink spiked eggnog to our Christmas-luvvin hearts content :)

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