Monday, September 19, 2011

Yes Anding Got The Posts Rolling

Improv comedy has 1 golden rule: YES AND, that is, agree with the people/environment of the scene and add a little sumthin sumthin of your own. Perfect Ex: Someone's doing a British accent, do a British accent and comment on the splennnddiid Yorkshire countryside and the taste-tastic scones. BAM, just "yes anded" like a champ.

When I did Improv in high school I went crazy for the optimistic potential of the "yes and" (You're selling imaginary ice cream? Favorite flavor's Choco-choco chip, You're flying a kite? Let's race em down the beach, You've got a poodle named Phoebe? Lemme pet her) The "yes and" was a playground for my imagination that beckoned to try, touch, experience, and experiment.

When I started traveling over the summers with my pilot dad (Tom, as I will be referring to him), even though I wasn't doing Improv, the "yes and" kept creeping back into my mind. I'd find myself eating testicles of bull and sand-duning through the deserts of Dubai, all as a challenge to myself to spontaneously "yes and" wherever possible. To jump as high as I could at every chance. This coming from a kid whose diet consisted of hotdogs, followed by hotdogs, accompanied by a side of hotdogs and whose biggest idea of adventure was getting the next installment of the Sims.

This "yes anding" mentality is how I approach any situation these days. So, as I sat in an Advertising lecture (I'm an Ad Major) about blogging with Miram Kamin a little light went bing! and here I go again. Goal: 30 days writing straight. Leyy-go.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh thanks for reading..spurring me on to reach my 30 day goal. I hope to take some second city classes soon though! second city's just bustling with yes-anders, my people.
