Friday, October 14, 2011

LunaFish and the Bush Pig

Haven't posted for the past two days cuz I've been reallll sick with strep throat. Ickk. Yes andings all about rolling with life's punches though so even though I sit here sweating bullets from my fever, I have the strength to sit up. translation: I have energy to write.

In recent news, went to orientation for Advertising (got into my major hollaaa) and we walk into the auditorium to meet our advisor. We sit down and this broad-shouldered, hardass in a blue business-woman's jumpsuit yells something to the equivalent of, "I am as serious as my jumpsuit is tight. Fear me." She kept yelling and trying to scare people (I don't know why. I was just so confused.) Sooo at the end, when she asked for any other questions, I raised my hand and inquired: "Why is your email listed as lunafish@uga?" She looked a little thrown off guard but then gave a totally cop-out answer. "Because I wanted to be different" NOT AN ANSWER. the mystery of this lunafish character has begun. Ima get to the bottom of this. Also, I now dubbed this jumpsuit wearer LunaFish because she's scaly on the outside but I bet on the inside she's got a tender spot. Maybe something similar to a good seared ahi tuna or tilapia. Once, we get her to shed those scales, I'm sure like Lil Salsa Bean, she won't be that bad.

Also, skyped with Karrah last night! She's near Brisbane at Port Something-or-Other and she said that the equivalent of a "slut" in Australia is a "Bush Pig" but instead of using it in the negative context they've turned it into something to strive for. To be the wildest, off-the-rocker, most dare-devil of a lank in all the land down under, with accompanying oinking at anything that merits a "Bush Pig" shoutout, of course. Miss her so much and can't wait for her to return so we can "bush pig" around LA for new years.

Hope to get over this sickness fast. Penicillin, here i comeee

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