Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wilbur the Wonder Car

Today it came to my attention that someone by the riiiiidiculous name of Alexander Georgacopoulos inquired if my sister, Allison, would be interested in trading cars with him. Although I sensed that there was a joking nature to his facebook proposition, it's always better to be safe than sorry. So, I posted back, "Don't you even begin to Allison Moyer, Wilbur is a family heirloom". (Wilbur being the vehicle, nay family member, in question). This asserted my desire for neither of these youngsters to engage in vehicle swappage without directly confronting Mr. Georamagapoopagoopdeedoop for trying to acquire such an important Moyer landmark. 

It's not that my sister/family can't do what they wish with Wilbur (it's not like I actually purchased the old stallion) but I can't see him go. I just can't. We've been through too much and I like the feeling too much of seeing him parked out on our driveway(newer cars booted him from the garage) with his broken 1990-styled bumper and futuristic, automatic seatbelts that never really caught on. 

He was the car I was driven home in the hospital in as a mere babe.

He was the car my sister and I would be driven around for hours in as toddlers in an attempt to get us to fall asleep. (P.S. Never worked. That horrible lullaby cassette would start playing and we would scream our heads off in those booster torture seats until my mother surrendered)

He was the car with the roof that my sister and I angrily poked with our Disney umbrellas until there were a million hole marks (Tom was not a happy camper)

He was the car with the armrests that my sister and I would stand on to stick our munchkin heads out the sunroof to scream "I'm the king of the world" as we drove down our street.

He was the car that me, a 15 year old, pizza-faced, brace-wearer learned how to drive/get speeding tickets in.

Basically, Wilbur has been there throughout Moyer history, before Sir Charles(dog), before Tofu the Wonder Cat. He's been there and he still has a long road ahead with us. PLUS: who would I take to LA with me on my roadtrip this summer if he got traded? My Scion cube? not.a.chance.

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